

Having a hard time falling asleep, light sleep, easily waking up, disturbed sleep and nightmares… Sleep problems have become a thorny problem that plagues many people. Sleep is one of the major events in our life. Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner believes that “Taking medicine supplement is not as good as eating healthy and eating healthy is not as good as sleeping well.” which shows the importance of sleep. Poor sleep condition will not only lead to people’s mental depression, affect work and study, lead to low work and study efficiency, nervousness, and irritability, and even lead to a decline in body immunity and weakened resistance to various diseases. Long-term insomnia can even lead to serious physical and mental diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, hyperlipidemia, senile dementia, memory loss, headache, depression, and anxiety. Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment is often the first choice of people. Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment of insomnia has the advantages of drug safety, small side effects, and no addiction, and is welcomed by most insomniacs. So, what can we do to improve our sleeping condition?




Case Study:

A female patient is 61-year-old, weighs 49KG (99 lbs.), and has been sleeping poorly for many years. She often tosses and turn for a long time after going to bed and can’t fall asleep, or even wake up many times during a night, and it is difficult to fall asleep after waking up. She hasn’t slept much all night and wake up with lack of energy in the morning. Often, she feels tired and drowsy, with no appetite, yellow complexion, and pale tongue. There was a history of chronic gastritis. How to treat and regulate insomnia?





Insomnia is a kind of disease syndrome characterized by often unable to obtain normal sleep. It is mainly manifested as insufficient sleep time and depth. In mild cases, it is difficult to fall asleep, light sleep, or can’t sleep again after waking up, and in severe cases, sleepless nights, often affecting people’s normal work, life, study, and health. Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner believes that the sleep of a person is controlled by the mind, and the normal operation of yin and yang is the basis for ensuring the regulation of sleep. Often due to improper diet, emotional disorders, fatigue, transition of thinking, post-illness, old age, and physical weakness, etc., the mind is uneasy, the spirit is not guarded, and the insomnia syndrome cannot be caused by the movement to the stillness. Therefore, the treatment is based on the dialectical treatment of the cause.


We analyzed that the patient is middle-aged elderly, with a relatively thin body and a history of chronic gastritis. From this, the patient should have a deficiency of the spleen. Since the spleen is the foundation of acquired, it is the main source of qi and blood biochemistry. Patients with spleen deficiency will not be able to transport and transform healthily, which will lead to insufficiency of qi and blood biochemistry. Insomnia symptoms such as difficulty falling asleep, easy awakening from light sleep, insomnia after waking up, etc. In addition, due to the deficiency of qi and blood, the patient exhibits symptoms such as daily fatigue, fatigue, pale complexion, and pale tongue. Due to spleen deficiency and dereliction of duty, the patient has poor appetite and loose stools. Therefore, judging from the symptoms of the patient, the patient should choose the method of strengthening the spleen and nourishing blood, nourishing the heart, and calming the nerves to treat insomnia.


In terms of specific treatment, Chinese Patent Medicine can choose Ning San Yuen. The ingredients of Ning San Yuen are Codonopsis, Suanzaoren, Poria, Atractylodes, Chinese yam, lotus seeds, dried tangerine peel, longan meat, jujube, Salvia, Shichangpu, etc., which have the benefit of improving weakness, palpitations, insomnia, tinnitus, and dizziness.

If by taking traditional Chinese medicine decoction, take 20 grams of Codonopsis, 15 grams of white peony, 30 grams of Poria, 5 grams of licorice, 15 grams of Shudi, 20 grams of lotus seeds, 20 grams of lily, 10 grams of dogwood meat, 20 grams of longan meat, salvia 30 grams, 0.3 grams of pearl powder, 15 grams of sour jujube seed, decocted with water, one serving per day, can be taken after lunch or half an hour after dinner, in order to strengthen the spleen, nourish the blood, nourish the heart and soothe the nerves. While on drug treatment, patients should also avoid eating raw and cold food, and pay attention to regulating the spleen and stomach.

养心宁神丸 Ning San Yuen

龙眼肉 Dried Longan

山萸肉 Cornus Officinalis

酸枣仁 Semen Zizyphi Spinosae

丹参 Dan Shen


Always consult a physician before using any dietary or herbal supplements.


T S EMPORIUM ( www.tsEMPORIUM.com) – established in 1979, we are the largest purveyor of American Ginseng and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Americas and the No. 1 Chinese nutritional goods brand in the Americas. Since 1979, we have insisted on providing every customer with “Excellent Value” for American Ginseng, Cordyceps, Golden Swiftlets’ Nests, and the most comprehensive line of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so that everyone can easily benefit from a healthier life!

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