
Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, Traditional Chinese Medicine has played a special and indispensable role. From the beginning of the epidemic to the present, it has been deeply involved, and the different stages of the pandemic have achieved results and won praise. In addition to seeing a doctor, you can also use a relatively safe medicated diet therapy method to help recuperate. The following is a selection of Chinese herbal soup recipe help you prevent the pandemic!

Recommended Herbal Soup For Preventing The New Wave of Pandemic!


一、新冠肺炎的预防 Prevention of COVID-19

1、润肺汤 Lung Nourishing Soup
• 材料:百合20克,麦冬15克,北沙参15克,防风10克,玉竹10克,北耆10克,桔梗10克,芦根20克,牛蒡15克,海底椰10克,生姜3片,陈皮1块。

• 做法:先将药材浸泡20分钟,瘦肉滚水去沫,放入汤包内,加8碗水,大火煲滚,转小火,煲60-90分钟,分为3碗食用。
Step: Soak the medicinal materials for 20 minutes aside. Boil the lean meat in a separate pot, remove the foam, and put the lean meat into the herbal soup pot, add 8 bowls of water, boil on high heat, turn to low heat, and slow cook for 60-90 minutes, divide into 3 serving and eat.

• 功效:清肺化痰,益气养阴,预防呼吸道疾病。
Efficacy: Clears lungs and resolves phlegm, nourishes qi and yin energy, prevents respiratory diseases.

• 适用者:偶有咳嗽,咽干,口干,鼻干,痰少粘稠,大便干燥。
Suitable for: occasional cough, dry throat, dry mouth, dry nose, less sticky phlegm, and dry stool.

• 用法:每日一碗,可供三人服用。每周1-2次,可与其他汤水交替服用。
Usage: One bowl a day for three people. 1-2 times a week, can be taken alternately with other soups.

推荐产品:百合 (Dried Lily Bulb)麦冬(Radix Ophiopogonis)沙参(Radix Adenophorae)防风(Saposhnikovia Divaricata)玉竹(Polygonatum Odoratum Slice)北耆(Radix Axtragali Slice)桔梗(Radix Platycodi)牛蒡(Burdock Root Slices)海底椰(Cortex Cocois Radicis)陈皮(Dried Orange Peel)


2、健康祛湿汤 Healthy Dehumidifying Soup

• 材料:五指毛桃20克,淮山15克,党参10克,赤小豆30克,白术10克,茯苓30克,炒薏米30克,炒白扁豆15克,玉米须10克,生姜2片,陈皮1块,瘦肉适量。

• 做法:先将药材浸泡20分钟,瘦肉滚水去沫,放入汤包内,加8碗水,大火煲滚,转小火,煲60-90分钟,分为3碗食用。
Step: Soak the medicinal materials for 20 minutes aside. Boil the lean meat in a separate pot, remove the foam, and put the lean meat into the herbal soup pot, add 8 bowls of water, boil on high heat, turn to low heat, and slow cook for 60-90 minutes, divide into 3 serving and eat.

• 功效:健脾祛湿,益气扶正,预防呼吸道疾病。
Efficacy: Invigorates the spleen and eliminates dampness, strengthens qi energy and strengthens the body, prevents respiratory diseases.

• 适用者:疲倦少气,四肢沉重,胃口不好,大便粘滞,不成型。
Suitable for: Tiredness, heavy limbs, poor appetite, viscous stool, shapeless.

• 用法:每日一碗,可供三人服用。每周1-2次,可与其他汤水交替服用。
Usage: One bowl a day for three people. 1-2 times a week, can be taken alternately with other soups.

推荐产品:五指毛桃(Hairy Fig)淮山(Dried Dioscorea Slice)党参(Pilose Asiabell)赤小豆(Red Bean)茯苓(Poria Cocos)生薏米(Dried Pearl Barley)白扁豆(White Beans)玉米须(Stamen Satariae)


二、新冠肺炎的病中调理 During The Covid-19

1、罗汉果茶 Mangosteen Tea
• 材料:罗汉果半个,无花果3-5枚,南北杏各12克,雪梨(带皮)2个,橙子(带皮)一个,白萝卜(带皮)半个,热重者可加青橄榄5枚。

• Step: Add 6-8 bowls of water to the above materials and cook on medium heat for 30 minutes.

• Efficacy: Clearing the lungs and resolving phlegm, preventing and adjuvant treatment of respiratory diseases.

• Suitable for: Cough, expectoration, throat discomfort (pain), dry throat, difficulty breathing.

• Usage: instead of tea, it can be taken by 2 people. 2-3 times a week.

推荐产品:罗汉果(Luo Han Guo)

2、白固肺汤 Baigu Lung Decoction
• 材料:白萝卜一个500克左右,切块,白扁豆25克,白果12粒,百合15克,(新鲜百合加倍),生黄芪30克,黄豆或者黑豆30克,红枣3枚,陈皮1块,生姜3片,可配猪肺或者排骨煲汤。

• 做法:先将药材浸泡20分钟,瘦肉滚水去沫,加10碗水,大火煲滚,转小火,煲90分钟。
Step: Soak the medicinal materials for 20 minutes aside. Boil the lean meat in a separate pot, remove the foam, and put the lean meat into the herbal soup pot, add 10 bowls of water, boil on high heat, turn to low heat, and slow cook for 90 minutes.

• 功效:清热补肺,健脾化湿,预防辅助治疗呼吸道疾病。
Efficacy: Clearing away heat and tonifying the lungs, invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, preventing and assisting the treatment of respiratory diseases.

• 适用者:咳嗽,咳痰,喉咙不适(疼痛),咽干,呼吸困难,大便不畅粘稠。
Suitable for: Cough, sputum, throat discomfort (pain), dry throat, difficulty breathing, poor sticky stool.

• 用法:可供2-3人服用。每周2次。
Usage: It can be taken by 2-3 people. 2 times a week.

推荐产品:白扁豆(White Beans)白果(Ginkgo Nuts)陈皮(Dried Orange Peel)黑豆(Black Beans)百合(Dried Lily Bulb)


三、新冠肺炎的病后康复 Rehabilitation After Covid-19

1、沙参玉竹汤Ginseng Yu-zhu Soup
• 材料:北沙参20克,南北杏各12克,玉竹20克,雪梨(带皮鸭梨亦可)2个,百合20克,莲子25克,白果12颗,黑木耳3-5克,陈皮1块,马蹄(也叫荸荠)10粒,白萝卜(带皮)半个约300-400克,瘦肉适量。

• 做法:先将药材浸泡20分钟,瘦肉滚水去沫,放入汤包内,加10碗水,大火煲滚,转小火,煲60-90分钟,分为3碗食用。如果不放肉,30分钟即可。
Step: Soak the medicinal materials for 20 minutes aside. Boil the lean meat in a separate pot, remove the foam, and put the lean meat into the herbal soup pot, add 10 bowls of water, boil on high heat, turn to low heat, and slow cook for 60-90 minutes, divide into 3 serving and eat.

• 功效:健脾祛湿,清肺化痰,预防呼吸道疾病康复。
Efficacy: Invigorate the spleen and remove dampness, clear the lungs and resolve phlegm, prevent and recover from respiratory diseases.

• 适用者:口咽,微咳有痰,咽喉不适,乏力,胃口不好,大便不畅粘稠。
Suitable for: oropharynx, mild cough with phlegm, throat discomfort, fatigue, poor appetite, and sticky stools.

• 用法:每日一碗,可供三人服用。每周1-2次,持续两周或以上。
Usage: One bowl a day for three people. 1-2 times a week for two weeks or more.

推荐产品:沙参(Radix Ginseng)南杏(Dried South Almond)北杏(Dried North Almond)玉竹(Yu-Zhu/Polygonatum Odoratum Slice)百合(Dried Lily Bulb)莲子(White Lotus Seeds)白果(Ginkgo Nuts)黑木耳(Black Fungus)


2、莲藕马蹄汤Lotus Root & Waterchesnut Soup
• 材料:莲藕1节,约200克,云耳(黑木耳)3-5克,马蹄15粒,陈皮1块,或加鱼腥草30克,泥鳅200克,瘦肉或排骨300克,生姜3片。

• 做法:先将药材浸泡20分钟,瘦肉泥鳅滚水去沫,放入其他材料内,加10碗水,大火煲滚,转小火,煲60-90分钟,分为3碗食用。
Step: Soak the medicinal materials for 20 minutes aside. Boil the lean meat/loach in a separate pot, remove the foam, and put the lean meat into the herbal soup pot, add 10 bowls of water, boil on high heat, turn to low heat, and slow cook for 60-90 minutes, divide into 3 serving and eat.

• 功效:益气清肺,促进呼吸道疾病康复。
Efficacy: Replenishing qi energy and clearing the lungs, promoting the recovery of respiratory diseases.

• 适用者:气虚疲倦,呼吸不畅,咽喉不适,咳痰,胃口不好,大便不畅粘稠。
Suitable for: Qi deficiency, fatigue, shortness of breath, sore throat, expectoration, poor appetite, and sticky stools.

• 用法:每日一碗,可供三人服用。每周1-2次,持续两周或以上。
Usage: One bowl a day for three people. 1-2 times a week for two weeks or more.

推荐产品:黑木耳(Black Fungus)陈皮(Dried Orange Peel)鱼腥草(Houttuynia)

德成行(tsEMPORIUM.com)始于1979年,是美洲最大的中药,花旗参,海味山珍和滋补品供应商,美洲第一滋补养生品牌。43年来坚持为每位顾客提供物超所值的美国花旗参、冬虫夏草、金丝燕窝以及最全品类的中药和滋补品,让每个人都能轻松受益更健康的生活。 T S EMPORIUM (www.tsEMPORIUM.com) – established in 1979, we are the largest provider of Traditional Chinese Medicine, American Ginseng, & Asian Delicacies in the Americas. For 43 years, we have insisted on providing every customer with “Excellent Value” for American Ginseng, Cordyceps, Golden Swiftlets’ Nests, and the most comprehensive line of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so that everyone can easily benefit from a healthier life!

For medical consultations, T S EMPORIUM has launched an online “TSE Health” column, inviting Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners to regularly provide online consultations, or consulting professional opinions for real cases. For detailed, please follow T S EMPORIUM official account.

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