
9 Q&A about American Ginseng:


The sale of mooncakes has already begun, and we unexpectedly discovered that the sales of American Ginseng has also begun to rise. Many folks started to purchase mooncakes for Mid-Autumn Festival gifts. American Ginseng is a precious medicinal herb and has become one of the most popular nutritious supplements for Chinese and Asian in general. It has high health benefits and medicinal value, therefore it’s alway been quite popular as gifts.


Many people are eager to learn more about the benefit of consuming American Ginseng. Here are some Q&A.



Q1: Directly translated from Chinese: Is “Flower Flag Ginseng” the same as “Western Ocean Ginseng”?

A1:  花旗参也叫西洋参,为五加科植物西洋参的干燥根。


Decades ago, the phrase “flower flag” is use to describe American flag, especially by people from Hong Kong, because it’s colorful and full of patterns, thus “Flower Flag Ginseng” was named for American Ginseng. “Western Ocean” is a common way Chinese people describe the western world, including Europe and America, thus “Western Ocean Ginseng” simply means American Ginseng as well.

American Ginseng is generally referring to the dried roots of Ginseng, a plant of the Araliaceae family.

American Ginseng can be divided into wild American Ginseng, Semi-wild American Ginseng, and planted, or farmed American Ginseng.

Tak Shing Hong American Ginseng are products of Wisconsin, USA.

Wisconsin has a superior natural environment for American Ginseng. “Virgin Ginseng land” planting methods are used and follows strict American agricultural regulations. Therefore, American Ginseng is famous all over the world. Research data shows that the total saponins content of American Ginseng from Wisconsin is much higher than that of Canadian Ginseng and American Ginseng grown in China.



Q2: What are the medicinal effects of American Ginseng?

A2: 现代科学研究发现,花旗参含有多种人参皂甙、花旗参多糖及少量挥发油、维生素及微量元素等成分,具有抗疲劳、抗缺氧、增强机体抗病能力及促进蛋白质合成等作用。花旗参有提高红细胞内超氧化物歧化酶活性,具有养胃生津、抗衰老、延年益寿的功效。它药性和缓,性寒凉,和人参的温热峻补不同,四季皆宜,尤适于夏天服用。它广泛用于非处方药、健康食品及化妆品等方面。

传统中医认为,花旗参补气养阴,清热生津, 补肺气,益肺阴,降虚火,清肺热,故善治肺虛久咳,耗伤气阴,阴虚火旺,干咳少痰或痰中带血,及燥热伤肺,咽干咳血。《本草从新》云其:“生津液,除烦倦,虚而有火者相宜。”故常用于外感热病,热伤气阴,肺胃津枯,烦渴少气,体倦多汗等。

Modern scientific research has found that American Ginseng contains a variety of ginseng saponins, American Ginseng polysaccharides, a small amount of volatile oil, vitamins, and trace elements. It has the effects of anti-fatigue, anti-anoxia, enhancing the body’s disease resistance and promoting protein synthesis. American Ginseng can improve the activity of superoxide dismutase in red blood cells and has the effects of nourishing the stomach and promoting fluid circulation, anti-aging, and prolonging life. It is different from the warm and hot tonic of Ginseng. It is suitable for consumption in all seasons, but it is especially suitable during summer. It is widely used in non-prescription drugs, health foods and cosmetics.

Traditional Chinese Medicine stated that American Ginseng nourishes qi and yin, clears heat, and produces fluid, nourishes lung qi, nourishes lung yin, reduces deficiency and fire, and clears lung heat. Therefore, it is good for treating lung deficiency and chronic cough, depletion of qi and yin, yin deficiency, dry cough and less phlegm or phlegm with blood, dryness and heat damaged lungs, dry throat and coughing up blood. “Materia Medica Congxin” stated: “Producing body fluid is suitable for those who suffer from exhaustion but are deficient and have fire.” Therefore, it is often used for exogenous fever, heat injury of qi and yin, lungs and stomach with dryness, polydipsia and less qi, fatigue, and sweating, etc. .



Q3: How much Ginseng tonic water should you drink daily?

A3: 花旗参是一味常用的养阴药。除了药用,人们常常用来泡水喝,或煲汤用,以期望能延年益寿。花旗参泡水服用,一般用量为3-6克,建议选用花旗参片,呈长圆形或类圆形薄片为佳。优质的花旗参片外表皮浅黄褐色,切面淡黄至黄白色,形成层环棕黄色,皮部有黄棕色点状树脂道,近形成层环处较多而明显,木部略呈放射状纹理,即行内所指“菊花纹”。其气微而特异,味微苦、甘。中阳衰微,胃有寒湿者忌服花旗参。

American Ginseng is a commonly used herbal medicine. People often use it to soak in water or cook in soup. To soak American Ginseng in water, the general dosage is 3-6 grams. It is recommended to cut American Ginseng into slices. The outer skin of high-quality American Ginseng slices is light yellowish brown, the cut surface is light yellow to yellowish white, the cambium ring is brownish yellow, and the skin has yellowish brown dotted resin channels. This pattern is referred to as “chrysanthemum pattern” in the industry. The scent is slight and earthy, and the taste is slightly bitter and sweet. People with weak yang and cold dampness in stomach should avoid taking American Ginseng.



Q4: Drinking American Ginseng tonic can reduce acne, true or false?

A4: 花旗参有补气生津的功效,适合于气阴两虚体质的人日常泡水饮用或直接含服花旗参片。这种体质的人常见倦怠乏力,自汗气短,喘咳痰血,口燥咽干,腰膝酸软。



American Ginseng has the effect of invigorating qi and promoting body fluid. It is suitable for people with qi and yin deficiency. People with this deficiency often suffer from fatigue, spontaneous sweating, shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing up sputum and blood, dry mouth and throat, and weakness in waist and knees.

The common symptoms are also swollen gums, sore throat, sore throat, mouth sores, constipation, and red urine. Taking American Ginseng will only make these symptoms more serious. So, the answer is false!

Commonly used to reduce body heat, you can choose one or two pieces of chrysanthemum, mint, Ophiopogon japonicus, nasturtium, etc., and you can choose Chinese Patent Medicines such as Huanglian Shangqing Tablets and Niuhuang Qingwei Pills as appropriate.

Acne, different ages have different causes, different syndromes, thus different medications are needed. The common causes of adolescence are lung heat, damp heat, or unregulated heat. American Ginseng are not suitable to treat acne. You can choose the appropriate Chinese Patent Medicine according to the situation, such as Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills, Zhibai Dihuang Pills, Skin Disease Blood Toxin Pills, etc. .



Q5: Can Tian Qi and American Ginseng treat body heat?

A5: 田七同为五加科人参属,具有很好的药用价值,具有活血化瘀、止痛止血的作用。其性温味甘苦,适用于胸腹刺痛、咳血咯血、跌打损伤等病症。


Tianqi belongs to the genus Araliaceae and has good medicinal value. It has the functions of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, relieving pain, and stopping bleeding. It is warm in nature and sweet in taste, suitable for chest and abdomen tingling, hemoptysis, hemoptysis, bruises, and other diseases.

Tianqi is a good matched with American Ginseng, one is cool and the other warm in nature, the flavor of both are normal and mild. Both are suitable for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but they should only be taken after consulting a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine.



Q6: Is it good to mix dendrobium and American Ginseng?

A6: 石斛,性味甘,微寒。具有益胃生津,滋阴清热的作用。临床多用于热病津伤,口千烦渴食少干呕,病后虛热不退,阴虚火旺,目干涩、视物不清,筋骨痿软等病症的治疗。常用剂量6~12克;鲜品15~30克。


Dendrobium is sweet in nature and taste slightly bitter. It has the effects of nourishing yin and clearing away heat. Clinically, it is mostly used in the treatment of fever and body injury, polydipsia, polydipsia, lack of retching after illness, lack of heat after illness, yin deficiency and fire, dry eyes, unclear vision, and weak muscles and bones. The usual dosage is 6-12 grams; fresh products 15-30 grams.

It is not recommended to mix Dendrobium and American Ginseng. It is worth noting that Dendrobium can be directly brewed in boiling water to replace tea, which is suitable for patients with stomach yin deficiency and heat.



Q7: Is it good to soak Longan, Goji berry and American Ginseng together?

A7: 枸杞子是常见的药食同源类药材,具有滋补肝肾、益精明目的功效。桂圆即龙眼,具有补心脾、益气血、健脾胃的功效。常用于心悸、失眠、健忘、头晕等心脾气血不足之证,桂圆与花旗参搭配,补益气血的功效尤佳,再配伍补益肝肾的枸杞子,具有很好的保健作用,适合久病体虚、抵抗力差的人服用。


Goji Berry is a common medicinal and food homologous medicinal material, which has the effect of nourishing the liver and kidney and improving vision.

Longan has the effects of nourishing the heart and spleen, replenishing qi, and blood, and invigorating the spleen and stomach. It is commonly used for heart palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness, dizziness and other syndromes of insufficient heart, spleen, and blood.

Longan and American Ginseng have a good effect of nourishing blood and qi. It is also compatible with Goji Berry, which nourishes the liver and kidney. It has a good health care effect and is suitable for chronic diseases.

Preparation for tonic: The usual amount per day are: Longan is 10-15 grams, American Ginseng is 3-6 grams, and Goji Berry 6-12 grams. Wash Longan and Goji Berry, put them in a pot, add water to decoct, wait for them to soften, pour out the medicinal liquid, add American Ginseng and an appropriate amount of water, stew for 1 hour, ready to serve. Since American Ginseng is a precious Chinese herb, expensive and rich in nutrients, it should be chewed after drinking its decoction.



Q8: Can pregnant women drink American Ginseng?

A8: 随着生活水平的提高,人们对养生越来越重视,特别是孕妇,更是各种滋补,唯恐营养不够。事实上,孕妇只要正常饮食,保证营养均衡即可。在孕晚期,更应该控制饮食,不易让胎儿生长过胖,如为巨大儿,出生后可能会出现低血糖等问题,在分娩过程中,还容易对产妇造成危险。因此不建议正常孕妇进行药补。孕妇气血旺盛,体质偏于热盛,过补容易化热生火、耗气伤津,不利于养胎。花旗参性味较平,对于体质较弱的孕妇可以适量进补,但不建议长期大量食用。

With the improvement of living standards, people pay more and more attention to health preservation, especially for pregnant women. Pregnant women only need to eat a normal diet and ensure a balanced nutrition. In the third trimester, pregnant women should control diet to prevent the fetus from growing overweight. If the baby is way about average in weight and size, mother and infant can have problems such as low blood sugar after birth. During the delivery process, it is also easy to cause danger to the mother. Therefore, it is not recommended for normal pregnant women to take medicine. Pregnant women have strong qi and blood, and their physique tends to be hot. Excessive supplementation can easily dissipate heat and damage body fluids, which is not conducive to fetal maintenance. American Ginseng is relatively mild in nature and flavor, so it can be supplemented in moderate amounts for pregnant women with weaker physiques, but long-term consumption of large amounts is not recommended.



Q9: Is American Ginseng suitable for everyone?



Modern pharmacological research shows that American Ginseng has multiple functions such as improving immunity, promoting blood circulation, and protecting the cardiovascular system. However, American Ginseng is not suitable for everyone. It is not recommended for people who have a cough with excessive sputum and edema, so as not to aggravate the condition. If there is no discomfort, one can consume American Ginseng as health and nutrition supplement. It is always recommended to consult a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


Note that it is not good to drink tea, eat white radish, or veratrum when taking American Ginseng, so as not to reduce its effectiveness.



The above content is provided as general knowledge by T S Emporium but with the articles comprehensively compiled from Tencent Medical Classic and China Traditional Chinese Medicine Association.

We sincerely hope it is useful to you and your will continue to read these helpful contents from our emails and on our website.



Please Note: The above content is only for consumers’ reference. The content does not represent the efficacy of the product. Consumers should consume these products rationally. This product cannot replace medicines.


T S EMPORIUM ( www.tsEMPORIUM.com) – established in 1979, we are the largest purveyor of American Ginseng and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Americas and the No. 1 Chinese nutritional goods brand in the Americas. Since 1979, we have insisted on providing every customer with “Excellent Value” for American Ginseng, Cordyceps, Golden Swiftlets’ Nests, and the most comprehensive line of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so that everyone can easily benefit from a healthier life!

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