
12月21日即将迎来今年的冬至节气,俗称 “冬节” ,这是中国农历中一个重要的节气,也是中华民族的一个传统节日。

Dec. 21st is the first day of Winter Solstice (22nd of the 24 solar terms). This is an important solar term in the Chinese lunar calendar and a traditional Chinese festival.

古有冬至大如年的说法, 冬至后,阳气缓缓回升,白天慢慢变长,是阴阳转化的关键节气,也是夏病冬防、冬病冬治的最好时机。所以古时冬至也喻意为新生命的开始。

There is an ancient saying that the Winter Solstice is as important as the end of the year. After the Winter Solstice, the yang slowly rises, and the day becomes longer. This is the key solar term for the transformation of yin and yang. It is also the best time to prevent summer diseases and winter diseases. In ancient times, the Winter Solstice also means the beginning of a new life.


The Winter Solstice is a good time for health preservation, mainly because “qi starts at the Winter Solstice.” From the beginning of winter, life activities began to turn from decline to prosperity, from quiet to rotation. It is particularly important to maintain health and tonic during this solar term. So, how do we maintain health during Winter Solstice?


These Winter Solstice regimen tips will help you through this winter!


吃好三样 Three  “good eats”


The climate is cold and dry in winter, so be careful not to eat cold foods and eat more warm and tonic foods.

  1. 当归生姜羊肉汤 Chinese Angelica & Ginger Mutton Soup


Mutton is warm in nature and eating mutton during winter can help resist the severe cold and warm the body, therefore, mutton is the choice of meat during winter. It is recommended to eat mutton with cold and flat nature foods, such as winter melon and spinach because consuming too much mutton can cause excessive internal body heat and one’s temper could get heated up easily. You could also add some Chinese Angelica while stewing mutton, which adds more flavor to the soup base.


  1. 清炒山药 Stir-fried Chinese Yam


“Eat flower in spring, leaves in summer, fruits in autumn, roots in winter,” and eat more roots in winter. Chinese Yam is sweet in taste and calm in nature. It has the effect of “tonifying kidney qi, invigorating the spleen and stomach, and moisturizing the skin.” In addition, Chinese Yam contains low calories, and it can be used for weight loss and bodybuilding. It is very suitable for women to beautify themselves.

  1. 萝卜炖牛肉 Radish Beef Stew


For those who doesn’t like mutton, beef is a good alternative. Beef has a high nutritional value. There is a folk saying that “beef nourishes qi, and its medicinal value is the same as astragalus.” Another saying goes, “Eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer.” Radish contains a lot of water and vitamins. It is suitable for consumption in dry winter. The crude fiber in radish can help promote gastrointestinal motility.

喝好三样 Three “good eats” ins soups and porridge


During the Winter Solstice solar term, the weather is cold and dry. It is important to pay more attention to replenishing body fluid and drink more hot drinks.

  1. 山药粥 Chinese Yam Porridge


Zhang Xichun, a medical scientist in the Qing Dynasty, believed that Chinese Yam was “sincerely the supreme product among nourishing medicines.” It is especially suitable for children and elderly with poor teeth and weak digestive system. You can also add Chinese Yam when cooking porridge.

  1. 百合银耳莲子粥 Lily Bulb, White Fungus & Lotus Seeds Porridge


In winter, human activities reduced, and the body lacks water in dry weather. Lily bulbs, white fungus, and lotus seeds are all white colored foods with the effect of moisturizing the lungs and reducing dryness. Consume plenty of porridge with lily bulb, white fungus, and lotus seeds during Winter Solstice to replenish the body fluid.

推荐商品:百合 Lily bulb莲子 Lotus seeds


3、青菜豆腐汤 Green Vegetables Tofu Soup


Tofu is indispensable in all seasons. Tofu contains a lot of protein, and the human body has a high digestion and absorption rate of tofu. The nutrition of tofu can be used by the human body. In winter, you should eat more vegetables and fruits to supplement the vitamins and other nutrients needs in the body. A bowl of vegetable tofu soup is light and warm to the stomach and rich in nutrients.


补好三样 Nourish and protect three things

  1. 补好肾 Nourish the kidney


Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners teach that: Spring nourishes the liver, summer nourishes the heart, autumn nourishes the lungs, and each of them nourishes the kidney. It is necessary to replenish the kidneys in winter to have a healthy body throughout the year. Kidneys belongs to water in nature and value black nature foods. To invigorate the kidneys, eat more black colored foods, such as black sesame seeds, black beans, and velvet antler powder.

  1. 暖好脚 Warm your feet


It is important to keep your foot warm because it is easily to get sick if your foot is cold. After Winter Solstice, the weather gets colder drastically. You should pay more attention to keep your legs and feet warm. The elderly can ear knee pads to protect their joints. Young people should also be careful not to expose their ankles as disease could entangle.

  1. 护好头 Protect your head


Many people have migraines, some of which are caused by inadvertent head cold in winter. Take care of your head and neck in winter and be careful not to catch the cold. Wear a hat and scarf when you go out. Winter is the season for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. People with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should pay more attention.

推荐:三宝粉 Three Treasure Powder






Tianqi Powder, American Ginseng Powder, Radix Salviae Motiorrhizae Powder, mixed evenly with the same amount. Take with warm water every day, and the dosage could increase or decrease according to the body’s condition. Generally, each person can take 3 grams of the mixed powder daily.


Lastly, a recipe for protecting the heart, Tianqi Powder and American Ginseng Powder.




The above content is provided as general knowledge by tsEMPORIUM but with the articles comprehensively compiled from network. We sincerely hope it is useful to you and your will continue to read these helpful contents from our emails and on our website.


Please Note: The above content is only for consumers’ reference. The content does not represent the efficacy of the product. Consumers should consume these products rationally. This product cannot replace medicines.


T S EMPORIUM ( www.tsEMPORIUM.com) – established in 1979, we are the largest purveyor of American Ginseng and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Americas and the No. 1 Chinese nutritional goods brand in the Americas. Since 1979, we have insisted on providing every customer with “Excellent Value” for American Ginseng, Cordyceps, Golden Swiftlets’ Nests, and the most comprehensive line of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so that everyone can easily benefit from a healthier life!

The above content is provided as general knowledge by T S EMPORIUM but with the articles comprehensively compiled from various reputable sources. We sincerely hope it is useful to you and you will continue to read these helpful contents from our emails and on our website.

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