补气三兄弟 The Three Energy Tonic You Must Know

人体之气,由精化生,并与肺吸入的自然界清气相融合而成。 一身之气的生成,是脾、肾、肺等脏腑的综合协调作用的结果。 人体之气来源于先天之精所化生的先天之气(即元气)、水谷之精所化生的水谷之气和自然界的清气,后两者又合称为后天之气(即宗气),三者结合而成一身之气,《内经》称为“人气”。

The qi energy of the human body is produced by refinement and combined with the natural clear qi inhaled by the lungs. The generation of qi in the whole body is the result of the comprehensive coordination of the spleen, kidney, lung, and other viscera. The qi of the human body comes from the congenital qi transformed by the congenital essence (i.e., vitality), the qi of water and grain transformed by the essence of water and valleys, and the clear qi of nature.), the combination of the three forms a body of Qi, which is called “Qi” in the “Internal Classics”.


Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that the generation of Qi comes from:





  1. The essence received from the parents and stored in the kidneys is congenital.
  2. It is transformed from the subtle qi of water and grain in the diet, which depends on the transportation and transformation of the spleen and stomach of the human body and is obtained and transformed from the diet.
  3. The clean air inhaled from nature is inhaled into the body through the lungs; therefore, whether the congenital physical condition is good, whether the essence is abundant, whether the acquired diet is rich and nutritious, and whether the functions of internal organs are coordinated and normal are all closely related to “qi”.


一、补气三兄弟 The Three Treasures Invigorate Qi



There are many Traditional Chinese Medicines for invigorating qi, but the most used ones are Ginseng (American ginseng can be used), Radix Astragalus and Pilose Asiabell, known as the “three brothers” for invigorating qi. Although they are all essential medicines for invigorating qi, they should be applied differently.


1、 人参(可用西洋参)Ginseng


Ginseng focuses on recovering yang and reversing the adversity, tonifying vitality, and it has a rapid effect of tonifying qi, which can quickly relieve qi deficiency, calm the nerves and promote body fluid, and relieve cardiovascular diseases. However, the processed ginseng has stronger effect. Fresh ginseng can be used instead if there is a deficiency and cannot be supplemented.



2、黄芪 (Radix Astragalus)


The effects of Radix Astragalus and Pilose Asiabell are relatively mild and work balanced together. Astragalus has been a good product for invigorating qi because it can not only invigorate qi, but also enhance yang energy, and prevent uterine sagging, gastroptosis, kidney ptosis, metrorrhagia, dizziness and fatigue, or shortness of breath caused by the depression of qi. This is what ginseng does not have. However, the effect of ginseng on calming the nerves and promoting body fluid is also something that astragalus cannot.



3、党参(Pilose Asiabell)


Pilose Asiabell has both the qi-invigorating effects of the former two. It can not only invigorate qi and raise yang, but also produce body fluid and calm the nerves. It is usually used together with them. This is mainly because Codonopsis ginseng is relatively weak in invigorating qi, and it takes a process to adjust the body, so it is often combined with ginseng and astragalus in clinical practice to invigorate qi.



二、补气养生方 Qi Nourishing Recipe


Here are some recommendations of health-preserving recipes based on the “three brothers” to replenish qi, so that everyone can do it at home by themselves.


1、人参灵芝安神汤 Soothe and calm the nerves


Preparation: 10g ginseng, 15g ganoderma lucidum, 15g lily, 10g longan meat, 10g Radix Ophiopogon japonicus, decoct with water, drink twice a day.



Efficacy: nourishing qi and nourishing yin, nourishing blood and calming nerves, improving neurasthenia, insomnia and other symptoms caused by various reasons.


2、气血双补美容汤 Qi and blood tonic beauty soup


Preparation method: Astragalus 15g, Angelica 15g, Codonopsis 15g, appropriate amount of fresh meat (or big bone), 5 slices of ginger, add water and simmer for 3-4 hours.



Efficacy: Invigorate qi and generate blood, relieve fatigue, beautify skin, especially for postpartum women’s body shape and appearance recovery effect is obvious.


3、党参红枣莲子茶 Pilose Asiabell red dates lotus seed tea


Preparation method: Codonopsis 6g, red dates 3 capsules, lotus seeds 3 capsules, add boiling water to brew, 2-3 times a day.



Efficacy: Tonify the kidney and strengthen the stomach, aid digestion, commonly used to treat poor appetite and insufficient gastric motility caused by long-term overeating.


德成行(tsEMPORIUM.com)始于1979年,是美洲最大的中药,花旗参,海味山珍和滋补品供应商,美洲第一滋补养生品牌。43年来坚持为每位顾客提供物超所值的美国花旗参、冬虫夏草、金丝燕窝以及最全品类的中药和滋补品,让每个人都能轻松受益更健康的生活。 T S EMPORIUM (www.tsEMPORIUM.com) – established in 1979, we are the largest provider of Traditional Chinese Medicine, American Ginseng, & Asian Delicacies in the Americas. For 43 years, we have insisted on providing every customer with “Excellent Value” for American Ginseng, Cordyceps, Golden Swiftlets’ Nests, and the most comprehensive line of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so that everyone can easily benefit from a healthier life!

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