

The Autumn Equinox is one the four most important solar terms in the four seasons of the year. (Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox, Winter Solstice). It is the transitional stage of “yang increases, and yin decreases”. There are rules for fitness, diet, and daily life. After The Autumn Equinox, maintaining the balance of yin and yang in the body becomes the focus of health preservation.

秋分的宜和忌 The Dos and Don’ts


After The Autumn Equinox, the climate is dry, and the weather becomes cooler. To prevent cold and dryness, ensure to keep indoor air circulated, and put on more clothes when necessary.


The most notable feature during The Autumn Equinox is dryness. Therefore, The Autumn Equinox is suitable for producing body fluids, nourishing yin, moisturizing the lungs, and dispelling dryness.


The concept of health preservation from Huangdi Neijing is The Autumn Equinox should nourish the lungs. The Autumn Equinox is the plump season of chrysanthemum and yellow crabs. Many people will consume crabs. However, crabs are cold in nature. People with weak spleen and stomach should watch intake.


保暖胃部,防止寒凉 Keep your stomach warm and prevent cold


After the Autumn Equinox, climate gets colder, and the gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to cold stimulation. If not properly protected, it is easy to cause gastrointestinal diseases and cause acid reflux, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and other symptoms. Therefore, pay special attention to keeping the stomach warm during this time.


饮食温润,宜食辛酸 Warm and damp diet, it is suitable to eat bitterness


The “dryness” of The Autumn Equinox is different from the “dryness” of White Dew. “Dryness” of The Autumn Equinox is cool dryness,White Dew is “warm dryness”. Dryness could hurt lungs, therefore, in terms of diet, pay attention to eating more moisturizing foods, such as sesame, walnuts, and glutinous rice. You can also eat more fruits and vegetables that are pungent, sweet, or have the effect of lowering lung qi, especially white radishes, and carrots. Do not overeat to avoid gastrointestinal stagnation.


秋分灸,除虚寒 The Autumn Equinox moxibustion prevents deficiency and cold


Weather is getting colder, dryer, and winds are gradually increasing. The human body’s pores shrink, the immune system increases, and cold symptoms such as cold, cough, diarrhea, backache, allergic rhinitis, etc. occur frequently. At the time of The Autumn Equinox, moxibustion can effectively improve the body’s own immunity by taking advantage of the changes in yin and yang to increase and decrease according to the situation.

早睡早起,起居有常 Keep early hours and maintain regular routine


The Autumn Equinox, the natural yang tends to converge from dredging, and the physiological activities of the human body should also be subject to the changes in the natural yin and yang. It is advisable to go to bed and get up early. Early to bed conforms to the harvesting of yin essence to nourish the “harvest” of qi; waking early conforms to the relaxation of yang qi, so that lung qi can be stretched. Weather gets colder as the night gets deeper and the cold air can easily invade the body, which will bury hidden danger for the lower back and leg pain, and cause coughing and other diseases.

适量运动,轻松平缓 Exercise moderately, easy, and gentle


The Autumn Equinox regimen focuses on “harvest”. Exercises should be easy and gentle, with little activity, such as: walking, Tai Chi, riding a bicycle, dancing, etc. To prevent excessive sweating and loss of yang energy, when exercising ensure to warm the whole body. Avoid sweating profusely, this could prevent the cold from entering the body through the pores and causing diseases. Exercise should not be too early or too late. It is best to start after the sun rises and end before the sun sets.

调养情志,放松心情 Nurture your emotions and relax your mood


During The Autumn Equinox, the sunshine decreases, the temperature gradually drops, and the flowers and trees wither. Some people are prone to depression and sadness, leading to endocrine disorders and diseases. Therefore, we must pay attention to cultivate optimism, maintain peace of mind and a good mood, to adapt to the calm atmosphere of autumn. The most suitable exercise is hiking. On a clear day, you can hike and enjoy sceneries. This is a great way to relax your mind and you can also exercise your body, maintaining a happy mind and healthy body.


秋分以后汤水不能少!Soup recommendations for The Autumn Equinox!


What kind of soup is best for The Autumn Equinox? Below are recommendations of a few nourishing soups. Drinking these soups regularly will improve your physical fitness and your immune system.


罗汉果百合猪骨汤 Luo Han Guo (Monk fruit) Lily Pork Bone Soup

材料 Ingredients:

罗汉果 半个、无花果 8颗、百合 15克、猪骨 400克、姜 2片、盐 适量

Half a Luo Han Guo, 8 pieces of figs, 15 grams of dried lily, 400 grams of pork bones, 2 slices of ginger, salt for seasoning

做法 Instruction:

  • 猪排骨洗净,用水焯一下去掉血水

Wash pork bones and blanch in boiling water

  • 除百合外,把罗汉果、焯好的猪骨、无花果和姜片放入锅里,加适量的水

Except for the dried lily, put luo han guo, blanched pork bones, figs, and sliced ginger into the pot, and add appropriate amount of water

  • 大火烧开后小火煲1个小时

Bring to boil, then simmer for 1 hour in low heat

  • 加入百合继续煲半个小

Add dried lily and continue to boil for half an hour

  • 出锅前加适量盐调味即可装碗。
    Add appropriate amount of salt for seasoning and ready to serve!

功用 Efficiency:

罗汉果百合煲猪骨汤的神奇功效:排毒轻体、润肠燥、润咽喉。对症治疗: 排毒不畅、咽喉干涩咳嗽。另外,咽喉肿痛干涩,经常咳嗽的人,也应该多喝这个汤,因为罗汉果除了润肠之外还可以清肺。

The magical effect of Luo Han Guo Lily Pork Bone Soup: detoxification, moisturizing the intestines, and moisturizing the throat. Symptomatic treatment: poor detoxification, dry throat, and cough. In addition, people who have swollen, sore, and dry throats and who often cough should also drink this soup because Luo Han Guo can clear the lungs in addition to moisturizing the intestines.


材料 Ingredients:

虫草花 1把、干贝 12克、玉米 1根、猪骨 400克、姜 2片、盐 适量

A handful of Cordyceps Fungus, 12 grams of Dried Scallops, 1 root of corn, 400g of pork bone, 2 slices of ginger, appropriate amount of salt for seasoning

做法 Instruction:

  • 骨头焯水后捞出洗干净备用
    Blanch pork bone and wash for later use
  • 虫草花洗净,和干贝一起用清水浸泡20分钟
    Wash Cordyceps Fungus and soak with Dried Scallops for 20 minutes
  • 一个玉米切成三截,想让汤水玉米味更足一些,再竖切成四块
    Cut corn into three pieces. For more corn flavor, cut corn vertically into 4 pieces
  • 将猪骨、玉米和虫草花等材料连同姜片一起放进汤锅里
    Put pork bones, corn, and Cordyceps Fungus into the soup pot with ginger slices
  • 加适量清水,盖好锅盖,大火烧开后小火炖1个半小时
    Add an appropriate amount of water, cover with lid, bring to boil on high heat and simmer for one and a half hour on low heat
  • 出锅前调入食盐即可
    Season with salt before serving

功用 Efficiency:


Cordyceps fungus is not grass or flower, it is a kind of fungus. Fresh Cordyceps Fungus turns into a beautiful golden yellow color. It has similar ingredients to cordyceps sinensis, but the content of each component is different. Therefore, Cordyceps Fungus is not a substitute for Cordyceps, and it is also not listed in Traditional Chinese Medicine category.


However, Cordyceps Fungus is calm in nature, neither cold nor dry. It has the effects of nourishing the lungs, nourishing the kidneys, protecting, and nourishing the liver. It is most suitable for people with liver and kidney yin deficiency. And because of its good taste, it is a popular ingredient, and it is mostly used as a compliment soup and medicated food. It is everyone’s new favorite!


Soups made with Cordyceps Fungus will show a beautiful golden yellow, and the ingredients cooked with the fungus will also be stained with a light-yellow color. The taste is unique but there is no peculiar smell, it is an easily accepted healthy soup for all.



材料 Ingredients:


138 grams of beef, 5 whole tomatoes, ½ teaspoon of ground ginger, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, ½ tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oil, 1/3 tablespoon of sugar, ½ tablespoon of salt.

做法 Instruction:

  • 牛肉洗净,逆着纹理切成薄片,加入1汤匙生粉、1/2汤匙酱油、1汤匙油和1/2汤匙姜蓉拌匀,腌制15分钟待用。
    Wash the beef, cut into thin slices, add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, ½ tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oil, and ½ tablespoon of ground ginger. Mix well, marinate for 15 minutes, and set aside.
  • 番茄洗净去蒂,切成瓣状;土豆去皮,切成条状,浸泡在清水中待用。烧热锅内3汤匙油,倒入番茄块以大火快炒,直至番茄变得稍为软身。
    Wash the tomatoes, remove the stalks, and cut into cubes; peel the potatoes, cut into strips, and soak in clean water for later use. Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a pan, stir-fry the tomato cubes quickly over high heat until tomatoes become slightly soft.
  • 往锅内注入3碗清水,倒入土豆与番茄一同炒匀,加盖大火煮沸,转中小火炖煮20分钟,至番茄完全软化。倒入腌好的牛肉搅匀,加入1/3汤匙白糖和1/2汤匙盐调味,煮至牛肉变色,即可出锅。
    Pour 3 bowls of water into pot, add potatoes and tomatoes and stir-fry together, cover and bring to boil on high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes, until the tomatoes are completely softened. Pour in the marinated beef and stir well, add 1/3 tablespoon of sugar and ½ tablespoon of salt for seasoning, cook until the beef changes color, and ready to serve!

功用 Efficiency:


Potatoes are rich in nutrients such as dietary fiber, which can stimulate intestinal peristalsis, and relieve constipation. Fresh potatoes can remain lumpy in water after being boiled, and taste very good, so they are suitable for soup.


Tomato, potato, and beef are all very common ingredients, but don’t underestimate these three ingredients. The finished product after cooking is sweet, sour, and rich in flavor, with the combination of meat and vegetables, complementing nutrition, and has the effect of nourishing blood, anti-aging, and strengthening the body. It is a delicious delicacy suitable for four seasons.

以上就是本期 德成行二十四节气养生之秋分 的所有内容,




T S EMPORIUM ( www.tsEMPORIUM.com) – established in 1979, we are the largest purveyor of American Ginseng and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Americas and the No. 1 Chinese nutritional goods brand in the Americas. Since 1979, we have insisted on providing every customer with “Excellent Value” for American Ginseng, Cordyceps, Golden Swiftlets’ Nests, and the most comprehensive line of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so that everyone can easily benefit from a healthier life!

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