24节气 小常识

24节气 小常识
Get to know 24 Solar Terms



Do you know which day of the year has the longest daylight, and which day of the year has the longest night? And what is its basis?


Everyone knows that a year is divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter, but maybe they have not heard that each season is divided into different stages. In fact, each stage has about 15 days, which is the 24 solar terms that you might have heard or read somewhere.

“春雨惊春清谷天, 夏满芒夏暑相连, 秋处露秋寒霜降, 冬雪雪洞小大寒.”

“Spring rains awaken, spring clears grainy skies” (Spring begins, with an increase of rainfall; thunders awaken insects, with an equal length of day and night clears raining skies, and early crops show their shoots).

“Summer connects heat, summer plumps grain” (Summer begins where summer crops become plump but are not yet ripe. Wheat becomes ripe and summer planting begin. Daytime is the longest as nighttime is the shortest, begins the hottest period of the year).

“Autumn placing dew, autumn chill, falling frost” (Autumn begins end hot summer. White dew is the transition from summer to autumn, temperature drops sharply. Returns equal length of day and night, weather reaches cold dew, as weather becomes colder and frost begins to form).

“Winter snow, snowy winter, minor and major cold” (Winter beings, snow begins to fall. As weather becomes colder comes heavier snow fall. Daytime is the shortest as nighttime is the longest, begins the coldest period of the year).


This is the 24 solar terms song, representing the 24 solar terms in the lunar calendar year. In fact, this is also a nature’s law derived from the changes in the annual movement of the sun.

春: 立春、雨水、惊蛰、春分、清明、谷雨;

Spring: Spring begins, Rainwater, The waking of insects, Spring equinox, Clear & bright, Grain rain;

Summer: Summer begins, Budding grain, Grain in ear, Summer solstice, Minor heat, Major heat; Autumn: Autumn begins, End of heat, White dew, Autumn equinox, Cold dew, Frost’s descent;
Winter: Winter begins, Minor snow, Major snow, Winter solstice, Minor cold, Major cold.


Last month, the Winter solstice was just over. Many people must have eaten dumplings during the Winter solstice day, but why do they eat dumplings? The Winter solstice is a good time for health preservation. From the beginning of winter, life activities turn from dynamic to static. Currently, scientific health preservation helps to ensure vigorous energy and prevent premature aging, as diverse diet is also appropriate.



The fact is, the weather of each solar term has different characteristics, and there is some truth in the law of Traditional Chinese Medicine health preservation according to the 24 Solar Terms.


Have you ever heard of the phrase “winter disease treated in summer”? Or is it really justified to see that the elders in the family are still applying medicine on hot summer days? In fact, this is a method of conditioning and maintaining health in accordance with the Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment following the Solar Terms.


Mainly aimed at sub-healthy people or patients with chronic diseases, grasp the use of Solar Terms. During summer when the natural Yang is most vigorous, the human body is treated with drugs or other methods to dispel cold and dredging channels to achieve the prevention and treatment of diseases prone to catch during winter.


In the same way, if you take proper care and nourishment during wintertime, you will have good health throughout the year. That is why T S EMPORIUM launches nourishing herbal soup packs every winter and refreshing heat-relieving soup packs every summer.


The four seasons are continuously revolving. As we journey through life, if we want to live healthily and enjoy longevity, it is essential to maintain good health in accordance with the changes of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

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The above content is provided as general knowledge by tsEMPORIUM but with the articles comprehensively compiled from network. We sincerely hope it is useful to you and your will continue to read these helpful contents from our emails and on our website.


Please Note: The above content is only for consumers’ reference. The content does not represent the efficacy of the product. Consumers should consume these products rationally. This product cannot replace medicines.


T S EMPORIUM ( www.tsEMPORIUM.com) – established in 1979, we are the largest purveyor of American Ginseng and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Americas and the No. 1 Chinese nutritional goods brand in the Americas. Since 1979, we have insisted on providing every customer with “Excellent Value” for American Ginseng, Cordyceps, Golden Swiftlets’ Nests, and the most comprehensive line of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so that everyone can easily benefit from a healthier life!

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