
The Sweet Secrets of Dried Abalone


Abalones are most popular among people in Hong Kong. Half of the Abalone produced in the world is shipped to Hong Kong. Even so, Abalone in Hong Kong is still short in supply.

香港流传着一句话:“存干鲍比存黄金更保值”。因为黄金可能会贬值,但干鲍的价格却一直在攀升,尤其是日本干鲍,近几年价格已经翻番。 2008年亚洲金融危机时,杨贯一和他的徒弟们的资产不但没有贬值,反而升值了,就是因为他们收藏了很多顶级干鲍。现在的香港,顶级五头网鲍的价格为每斤5.2万元,三头网鲍的价格为每斤8.6万元。

There is a saying in Hong Kong: “It is better to keep Abalone than to keep gold.” Because gold may depreciate, but the prices of dried Abalone has been rising. Especially in Japan, the price has doubled in recent years. During the Asia financial crisis in 2008, the asset of Yeung Koon Yat (Hong Kong’s International chef and ambassador of Chinese cuisine) and his apprentices not only did not depreciate, but appreciated, because they collected a lot of top dried Abalone.


There is a big gap in the price of Abalone of different species, appearance, and its weight. Of the dried Abalone consumed in China, the most expensive one is Japanese Abalone, and the cheaper ones are South African Abalone and Australian Abalone. China produced mostly small Dried Abalones, because large Abalones are not produced in China, and high-quality dried Abalones mostly rely on imports.


Abalone is a “precious” aquatic product, which has high requirements on the environment and bait, they are difficult to breed, and has a long breeding period. High quality fresh Abalones grow on the bottom of cold-water environment at higher latitudes, with a slow growth rate, only grow 1-2cm per year. After Abalone grows to 4 years old, it grows even more slowly, so most farms will not raise Abalone older than 4 years old, so for a large-size fresh Abalone, it is very expensive. Wild large Abalone are almost impossible to find due to the destruction of the marine environment in China.


When a fresh Abalone is made into a dried Abalone, its weight will shrink to one-tenth of its original weight, which is like transformation from a watermelon to an orange. Therefore, only large enough fresh Abalone can be made into dried Abalone. In Iwate, Japan, the water is clear, waves are calm, and that’s where good quality Abalone can be produced. Therefore, Iwate produces top-quality dried Abalone, and several other dried Abalone families have been produced. No one in the world can match the secret technique of making dried Abalone in Iwate, Japan.

The soft yolk of Dried Abalones is widely known, but what are they?


The soft yolk of dried Abalone refers to the soft, viscous, semi-liquid state in the center of dried Abalone. The taste Is smooth, texture resembles soft candy, smell of Abalone is fragrant and sweet. Abalone with round center, tender like melted pulp, crystal clear, and the color is as amber. This is the highest state of soft yolk dried Abalone.


Soft yolk dried Abalone is the achievement of superb craftsmanship for dried Abalone production, which is naturally formed under the influence of sunlight. In the process of making dried Abalone, the cooked Abalone must go through a process call “over fire”, which is to bake on charcoal fire to 50% dryness to reduce the moisture. This step needs to be very precise, and it requires an experienced master to accomplish.


After the “over fire” process, Abalone are string with needles and ropes, hang under a bamboo frame, and let the Abalone dry. Iwate, Japan is a unique location with mild sunlight, making it an ideal place for drying Abalone. However, long-term exposure will damage its texture, so it should be directly exposed to sunlight in the morning and covered with cloth at noon. If the sun is too strong in the morning, cloth is used to block the sun. The master of drying yard uses the two steps of charcoal baking the sun drying.


The process from fresh Abalone to dried Abalone is not easy, but prepping dried Abalone is even more complicated. The weight of eight-headed dried Abalone needs to be soaked in water for 2-3 days, and the water needs to be changed 2-3 times a day. The larger the size, the longer it needs to be soaked. If the soaking time is too short, the Abalone will not absorb enough water and texture will be hard like a rock; if the soaking time is too long, the Abalone will absorb too much water, and the texture will be too soft, destroying the desirable characteristics of the Abalone.


It is very particular when it comes to consuming dried Abalone, it is best to cut straight along the muscle lines, so that the texture is smoother and tender, which is the same as cutting steak. For the expensive and scarce dry Abalone, although the preparation process is complicated, but it is an unforgettable experience for anyone who has tasted dried Abalone in their mouth. The taste of soft yolk Abalone is unmatched to fresh Abalone. Because the dry Abalone is truly the crystallization of fisherman’s wisdom, it is a masterpiece of sunshine, time, and ingenuity.


Please Note: The above content is only for consumers’ reference. The content does not represent the efficacy of the product. Consumers should consume these products rationally. This product cannot replace medicines.


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